Services - (02) 6961 8080

Located at 78B Kookora Street, Griffith NSW 2680.  Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) Aged daycare and respite, slow-stream rehabilitation and falls prevention program, day activity and therapy.

Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre - (02) 6969 7202

Located at 63 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680.  Arranging emergency respite in a family crisis, the absence of carer or carer illness.

Community Health Centre - (02) 6966 9900

Located at 39 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680.  Community nursing service, palliative care service, diabetes education.

Dyirri-Bang-Gu Aboriginal Aged Care Service - (02) 6964 0518

Located at 4/26 Ulong Street, Griffith NSW 2680.  Case management services for people with disabilities, frail older people and their carers with complex care needs who require support in managing care arrangements, Griffith Nursing Service.

Forrest Community Services - (02) 6964 0088

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Griffith Meals on Wheels - (02) 6962 9997

Located at 16 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680.  Home-style meals for people with a disability or frail older people. Call for information about receiving meals or to apply as an emergency or permanent volunteer.

Griffith Aged Support Service - (02) 6962 4515

Located at 16 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680.  Support, referral and social group activities for older people.

Home at Heart - 0436 477 399

Provides personalised and flexible support so you can maintain independence, stay in your own home and spend more time doing activities.  Support activities could include personal services, clinical care, transport, physical activities, carers support, respite, pet care and pet monitoring, home maintenance, garden care, meal preparation and organising shopping.

Intereach - Community Transport - 1300 488 226

Located at 2/63 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680. Intereach Community Transport can help older people, people living with a disability, including children and their carers, people who are transport disadvantaged and Department of Veterans’ Affairs support recipients, to stay independent and connected to the local community.

Live Better - (02) 6391 2400

Located at 3/20 Banna Avenue, Griffith NSW 2680.  Aged care services, Commonwealth support program, ComPacks, domestic assistance, home care packages, leaving care, personal care, disability services.